Gomez Trial Attorneys

Santa Ana Brain Injury Attorneys

Santa Ana Brain Injury Attorneys

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  • $1 Billion won over 15 years
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Santa Ana Brain Injury Attorneys

Bibianne Fell is the National Trial Lawyers Top 100 Member.If you or someone you love in Santa Ana has suffered a brain injury, then you already know just how life-changing the experience can be. Many people can never return to their “normal” lives after they have sustained brain injuries. Even though some of these injuries are referred to as “mild” in medical diagnoses, they still tend to inflict far-reaching impacts on survivors’ lives.

The Santa Ana Brain Injury Lawyers at Gomez Trial Attorneys have years of experience representing brain injury victims throughout Santa Ana. For us, there is no such thing as a “mild” brain injury when symptoms negatively impact our clients’ quality of life. Speak with a member of our team today to learn more about what you can do next following a brain injury in Santa Ana.

Gomez Trial Attorneys: Our Results for Brain Injury Survivors in Santa Ana

At Gomez Trial Attorneys, we’re proud that our firm has received national recognition for our work with brain injury clients. We’ve been featured on CNN, The New York Times, NBC, BBC, ABC News, and CBS. We received Top Lawyers’ 2018 #1 Intentional verdict and #1 Premises liability verdict.

Beyond this:

  • We have collected over $750 million in settlements for our clients
  • Our clients have received more than 135 awards of more than $1 million each

We take cases to trial when it matters most. Unlike many other firms, our team is prepared to head into court as soon as it’s necessary. Some of our brain injury clients have seen results like:

  • $16,200,000 | Slip and fall and “mild” TBI | Settlement
  • $16,200,000 | Slip and fall/brain injury | Jury verdict
  • $13,500,000 | Brain injury/auto accident | Jury verdict
  • $12,300,000 | Mild traumatic brain injury | Jury verdict
  • $10,800,000 | Brain injury/cervical fracture | Jury verdict

If you or someone that you love has been impacted by brain injury in Santa Ana, the brain injury lawyers at Gomez Trial Attorneys may be able to help. Of course, every case is different and we cannot guarantee any particular result. Contact us today to speak to a legal professional about your case and address any questions you may have.

Common Brain Injuries


Many people believe that concussions can only be caused by direct impact trauma to the head. This is certainly one of the most common ways to sustain a concussion, but your head does not need to hit anything for a concussion to occur. Some people receive concussions simply from a shake or jolt; this is because a bump, blow, or jolt can make brains collide with the skull.


Contusions have similar causes as concussions, though they only occur because of direct trauma to the head. These injuries involve localized bleeding within the brain. In some cases, the contusion site has blood clots form on or near it—this can be fatal.

Coup-contrecoup contusions are another type of injury. This occurs when the force of impact is so great that it forces the brain to slam into the opposite side of the skull. The process creates a second contusion and, as a result, more risk for the victim.

Penetration Injuries

Penetration injuries occur when objects enter the skull or brain. For obvious reasons, these objects are oftentimes sharp, but this isn’t always the case. An object doesn’t have to be sharp to penetrate the skull if there’s enough force behind it.

These injuries may cause tissue loss, tearing, shearing, and rupturing or accessory tissues. Many penetration injuries are associated with long-term effects, and many more lead to death.

Diffuse Axonal Injuries

Diffuse axonal injuries are caused by severe rotational force or shaking. This can tear the brain, shearing the edges and damaging the organ.

Tears in the brain lead to lots of problems. Some people suffer permanent brain damage because of them. Coma and death are also possible.

Acquired Brain Injuries

Acquired brain injuries are brain injuries that don’t always depend on the external application of force (like striking your head during a fall or car accident). This doesn’t necessarily mean that a person did not cause the injury.

With that said, most acquired brain injury cases are brought against medical providers. Unfortunately, care providers often worsen acquired brain injuries. They also tend to fail to address these conditions properly until it’s too late (and permanent injuries have been caused).

There are two primary types of acquired brain injury: hypoxic brain injury and anoxia.


Anoxia occurs when the brain is deprived of oxygen. It’s when the brain or body completely loses its oxygen supply. It only takes a very short time before cell death begins, which results in damage to numerous brain systems and can even lead to death.

There are different types of anoxia:

  • Anoxic anoxia (standard anoxia): When there is not enough oxygen available to your body—generally at high altitudes and in other circumstances where it’s difficult to get enough oxygen to your bloodstream
  • Anemic anoxia: When the blood isn’t carrying oxygen
  • Toxic anoxia: When toxins block oxygen use
  • Stagnant anoxia: When your blood fails to reach your brain or the other body parts that need it (even if your blood has enough oxygen)

Hypoxic Brain Injury

Hypoxic brain injuries resemble anoxia. The main difference is that, with a hypoxic brain injury, oxygen deprivation is not absolute. People with hypoxic brain injuries still receive some oxygen in their brains, but the levels of oxygen are much too low.

Cell death can occur, just as it does due to anoxia, but it is generally slower than in anoxic cases.

What Happens After a Brain Injury?

Symptoms of a Brain Injury

After someone’s brain is injured, he or she may show symptoms that point to what happened. It’s important to note that not every brain injury causes symptoms; and, even when they do, they may not always be the symptoms you expect.

Every brain injury is unique.

There’s no way to list every possible symptom for every possible injury, but there are some generally accepted signs that someone’s brain may have been harmed during an accident:

  • Behavioral or mood changes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Memory problems
  • Concentration problems
  • Headache
  • Blurred or otherwise altered vision

Receiving Treatment

No two treatment plans for brain injury are the same. Ideally, your doctors should come up with a recovery plan that’s custom-tailored to you and your injuries. That means that everyone’s treatment after a brain injury may look different.

Some people never need to spend time in a hospital or receive intense medical treatment after a brain injury. This is especially common with “mild” concussions and other similar injuries.

Other brain injury survivors need to spend weeks, months, or years working aggressively to heal. They may stay in the hospital or attend outpatient treatment to ensure their health.

No matter what a brain injury looks like, everybody deserves fair and adequate treatment when they’ve been hurt. This part of the process is, unfortunately, where some people suffer from even more injuries. Some doctors fail to recognize or adequately treat brain injuries and cause more damage as a result.

Finding a Trustworthy Lawyer

There are a lot of reasons to retain an attorney after you’ve received a brain injury. Even if it’s very early on after your accident, you can still benefit from working with a brain injury lawyer. He or she can help you keep track of medical bills and other expenses to make pursuing compensation in the future easier.

Your attorney will also help you communicate and negotiate with entities like insurance companies. If you’ve received a brain injury, the last thing you need or want to worry about is fighting with insurance agents on the phone. A seasoned brain injury lawyer can help take those responsibilities off your plate.

What Should Someone Do if They Experience a Brain Injury in Santa Ana?

Seek Medical Attention as Soon as Possible

If someone around you has experienced a brain injury, get them medical attention as soon as possible. Even brain injuries that do not require medical treatment to heal may benefit from a professional evaluation.

Find a Lawyer

Like we said above, you’ll likely benefit from finding a trustworthy brain injury lawyer who can help promote your recovery as soon as possible.

The Flow of Events After a Brain Injury

  • Emergency care: It’s essential to pursue emergency care if you or someone near you has suffered a brain injury. Even if you don’t receive treatment in a hospital or emergency medical transportation, you should also schedule an appointment with your doctor. He or she can give you a check-up, look for delayed signs of injury, etc. Be sure to tell your doctor about all of your symptoms so that you can receive full, proper care.
  • Diagnosis: When a person received emergency (or any) medical care after a potential brain injury, they may undergo some testing. This is especially true if the person is at a large facility that has easy means of performing the tests (like a hospital). Diagnostic tests may include X rays, MRIs, CT scans, and more. Diagnosis marks the first steps towards treatment, too, because it identifies the problem that must be treated.
  • Treatment: Treatment is an extremely broad term. For some people, treatment means heading home and relaxing for a few days; for others, treatment is a lifelong affair. Your medical team will come up with a treatment plan that’s specifically suited to you and your unique injury.
  • Rehabilitation: If a brain injury is significant, there’s a good chance that it will require extensive rehabilitation. This generally begins when a person is still receiving treatment for their injury. For many people, rehabilitation continues afterward via an inpatient or outpatient facility.

The Outcomes of Brain Injury

It’s very difficult to accurately predict the outcome of a brain injury. With that said, there are a few ways that medical experts guess how patients may recover after an accident. Someone’s health before their brain injury, the type of brain injury they sustain, and the course of recovery following the injury all influence brain injury outcomes.

Pre-Injury Factors

Someone’s general health and individual prior history of brain injury can point to how they may recover after a brain injury. People who are in good health before their injuries tend to see better outcomes than people in poor health.

If someone has already experienced a brain injury in the past, that can also influence the outcome of current injuries. Virtually every brain injury has short-term and long-term effects, and prior injuries can cause problems with new ones.

Injury Factors

There are several factors concerning a brain injury itself that can indicate how someone might recover. The severity of the injury, for example, plays a big part in its outcome. More severe brain injuries tend to lead to more long-term impacts on injury survivors. The extent and location of an injury can also influence how it impacts the body and how the healing process plays out.

Some people have other medical conditions that affect brain injury outcomes. Some conditions can worsen or change brain injuries, and many instances of brain injury also include other injuries. Someone who has received damage to other parts of their body, or someone who is experiencing bleeding or seizures, may have a different brain injury outcome than other people.

Post-Injury Factors

There’s a lot that happens after a brain injury that can impact someone’s outcomes after the injury has healed.

Three post-injury factors tend to influence brain injury outcomes:

  • Continuum of care: People who receive continuing high-quality care after brain injuries often have better outcomes than people who don’t. Most rehabilitation professionals agree that people with moderate to severe brain injuries require (and benefit from) long-term treatment and support
  • Recovery time: Someone’s recovery time following a brain injury may point to (1) the injury’s severity and (2) better outcomes in the future. Certain injuries have short recovery times and begin to heal in that time; others have longer recovery times, but are rushed into short windows. Taking the adequate amount of time for recovery, no matter what it is, improves someone’s chances of favorable outcomes after brain injury
  • Psychosocial issues: Psychosocial factors play a big role in personal outcomes after a brain injury. The rehabilitation and healing process is rarely easy. The more support somebody has around them, the higher their chance at a good outcome after a brain injury

Frequently Asked Questions About Santa Ana Brain Injuries


What are some causes of brain injury in Santa Ana?

Anything that causes a bump, blow, or jolt to the head can cause a brain injury.

With that said, some very common causes of these injuries include:

  • Slip and falls
  • Car accidents
  • Sports injuries
  • Violent crimes
  • Shaking injuries

What is a concussion?

A concussion is often termed a “mild” traumatic brain injury, though the effects many patients suffer are anything but. Concussions occur due to bumps or blows to the head or body. These jolts don’t even need to involve physical impact to the head—that’s because concussions take place when people’s brains move rapidly inside their skulls. It’s not the actual trauma that causes the injury.

How many people suffer from brain injuries?

It’s hard to say precisely, but nearly 2 million Americans every year suffer a traumatic brain injury (or TBI).

How do brain injuries affect daily life?

A brain injury can have a tremendous impact on how someone lives his or her day to day life. There’s also a huge variety of injuries—so there’s a huge variety of ways they impact how people live, too.

Some people may find it difficult to connect emotionally or control their emotions. For others, a brain injury may make it difficult to navigate or walk comfortably. Memory problems and other issues can all creep into someone’s day to day life and cause lasting impacts.

Does everyone who hits their head get a brain injury?

No. But, if you strike your head, you should still seek medical attention to ensure your safety (especially if you display symptoms of a brain injury).

Even less traumatic brain injury cases often bruise the brain. It’s similar to how your arm bruises after it’s struck. A person’s brain might handle some mild trauma before a true injury occurs. This is not always the case. It’s always best to visit a medical professional for questions about brain injuries.

Is anyone at an increased risk of brain injury in Santa Ana?

Yes. Certain people are more at risk of brain injury than others. Some circumstances create a greater risk for brain injury, too.

  • Brain injury is a huge risk to children and the elderly; children do not have the motor skills or cognition to protect themselves in every situation, older people may fall or may have other conditions that make brain injury more dangerous
  • Certain activities and lines of work increase risk of brain injury. Some military duty increases the risk of brain injury. Sports, among adults and children, also increase the risk of suffering a brain injury

What conditions are associated with TBI? Does TBI cause other conditions?

There’s medical evidence that points to the fact that people who experience TBI may be at greater risk for developing certain health issues. Cognitive disabilities and mood disorders are very common in people who have had severe brain injuries.

Some research also indicates that TBI may also be associated with conditions that are known to cause brain cell breakdown. These conditions include those like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Someone with mobility impacted by TBI may develop high blood pressure, pressure sores, obesity, and other secondary issues.

How do I know if I have a brain injury?

You can’t be certain whether or not you have a brain injury through self-diagnosis. The only way to know if you have a brain injury is to seek medical attention and diagnosis. Many symptoms point to a brain injury. Reach out to a medical professional if you notice signs or symptoms.

Who is responsible for brain injuries in Santa Ana?

Almost anyone and any circumstance can cause brain injuries, so it depends on the situation. Generally, if another person is negligent and causes the injury, they are responsible.

Some examples of parties who might be considered responsible for brain injuries include:

  • Drivers (cars, motorcycles, trucks, etc.)
  • Medical care providers
  • Coaches
  • Child care providers
  • Senior care providers
  • Property owners
  • Governmental bodies

If you are not sure who may be responsible for your brain injury, that’s okay: You can work with a qualified Santa Ana brain injury lawyer to build a case and collect proof to determine who caused your injury.

What costs are associated with brain injuries? Are brain injuries expensive in Santa Ana?

There are plenty of costs commonly associated with brain injuries. Some of the highest tend to include the direct cost of medical bills. This is especially true if someone spends time in the hospital or otherwise undergoes extensive treatment. Other costs that may occur because of brain injuries include rehabilitation, medication, surgery, and physical therapy costs.

What compensation can I recover after a brain injury in Santa Ana?

Every brain injury case is unique. We hesitate to say that anyone can pursue or receive any specific form of compensation after their injuries. With that said, some damages are commonly awarded in brain injury cases.

These include:

  • Medical bills: Past, present, and projected medical bills associated with your brain injury; surgeries, emergency medical transport, customized equipment, prescriptions, and so on
  • Pain and suffering: Anybody can experience pain and suffering after an injury; and after a brain injury, it’s understandable if you’ve faced these challenges. There is compensation available to account for pain and suffering in many cases
  • Lost wages and/or diminished earning capacity: Brain injuries commonly cause people to miss time from work; you can pursue damages to account for lost wages if this applies to you. Plus, if a brain injury permanently changes someone’s ability to work and earn money, there are diminished earnings damages available to help cover the disparity.

My spouse suffered a brain injury. Now they act differently. Why?

It’s very common for people to act, behave, and even think differently after brain injuries. Even a mild injury can cause effects like these. For some people, these changes are temporary. Others grapple with changes in how they feel and behave for a lifetime.

If someone you love is acting differently because of a brain injury, they deserve support and assessment. You can contact their care providers for more information about their injury and potential outcomes.

Are brain injuries in children different from brain injuries in adults?

Yes. Oftentimes, when children experience brain injuries, their symptoms are a little different from adults. This can be for many reasons, but it often depends on the child. Very young children may not be able to express how they feel or what’s happening. Older children may feel nervous, scared, or uncertain about what’s going on.

Some common signs of brain injuries in children include:

  • Altered sleeping and eating patterns
  • Changes in bowel and bladder function
  • Changes in the level of consciousness
  • Dizziness
  • Impaired movement or balance
  • Nausea
  • Auditory dysfunction (difficulty hearing speech, tinnitus)
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Defensiveness to touch
  • Difficulty shifting attention
  • Reduced attention span

What are my rights after a brain injury in Santa Ana?

If you have experienced a brain injury because of someone else’s recklessness or negligence, you have the right to fair compensation. A Santa Ana brain injury attorney can help you pursue that compensation.

Do I have to go to court if I bring a brain injury lawsuit in Santa Ana?

Not necessarily. Many brain injury cases settle before trial. We always recommend, however, hiring a brain injury lawyer with trial experience in the event litigation is necessary to achieve the best outcome.

A Santa Ana insurance company is offering me a payment. Should I take it?

Not before consulting a brain injury lawyer you trust. These initial offers are rarely fair. If you’ve been fortunate enough to receive a fair offer from an insurer, you can confirm that by partnering with a lawyer.

Most legal professionals will advise that someone who’s been injured does not accept payment offers from insurance companies. You’re better served by finding an attorney to work with you and advocate for fair payment. The majority of insurance companies only offer settlements in hopes of getting you out of their hair without having to pay you too much. Remember, insurance companies aren’t in the business of giving away money.

Can complementary or alternative therapies help with brain injuries?

There’s not enough research to say, with certainty, that alternative or complementary therapies help with brain injuries. According to the Brain Injury Association of America, some research points to acupuncture and hyperbaric oxygen therapy helping after severe TBIs, but little to no scientific evidence supports most alternative therapies’ efficacy in brain injury cases. Consult your doctor before you start any alternative therapy to make sure it doesn’t interfere with your medical treatments.

Our Santa Ana Lawyers Can Help After a Brain Injury

A Santa Ana brain injury attorney will be able to help you following a brain injury more than you may suspect. There are a rare few circumstances, but, generally speaking, anyone who suffers an injury can benefit from working as a team with a lawyer.

There are several reasons for this. One of the most important is that attorneys have the legal experience required to prove negligence in court. Negligence is the cornerstone of multitudes of accident and injury cases; when one person’s negligence leads to harm for someone else, they may be held liable in court.

Brain injury attorneys prove negligence by proving four different elements in a case:

  • Duty: Many defendants have a legal duty to avoid situations or actions that can harm others. This is true when we get behind the wheel to drive on the roadway; it’s also true when someone is providing medical care or watching over a group of people
  • Breach of duty: Breach of duty occurs when a duty of care is not exercised (or it falls below certain accepted standards)
  • Causation: Lawyers need to prove that the breach of duty in a case caused the accident
  • Damages: Injury and/or losses were suffered because of the breach of duty

How to Choose the Right Lawyer for Your Case

There are a lot of brain injury lawyers out there. How can you be sure you’re choosing a Santa Ana brain injury attorney with your best interests at heart?

Look at several attributes when it’s time to consult a brain injury attorney.

Your attorney should demonstrate:

  • Experience: Brain injury cases are very complex. Some things are difficult to prove or demonstrate in court, especially if they have to do with how you feel or how you behave now compared to how you used to act. The more experienced an attorney is, the better he or she will be able to help you during the legal process
  • Dedication: It takes dedication to win cases. Look for an attorney who has dedicated themselves to serving brain injury clients as a career. It’s a surefire way to ensure that, at the very least, they know a thing or two about your injuries
  • Access to resources: Good lawyers work with people from other industries to help strengthen their clients’ cases. Most cases also require significant time and resources, and some law firms simply don’t have those available
  • Proven results: There’s a first time for everything, but you don’t need to be someone’s first brain injury case. A well-respected lawyer who has proven results with brain injury cases will probably serve you better than one that doesn’t. Look for attorneys with reputations for helping with cases like yours. Your injury can cause enough chaos in your life; your attorney doesn’t need to add to it

Affording a Brain Injury Attorney After You’re Hurt

John Gomez

Brain Injury Attorney, John Gomez

Many people have questions about the costs of legal representation. It makes sense: if you’re already facing medical bills and other mounting expenses, why would you want to spend your hard-earned money consulting another professional?

Here’s the thing: Our brain injury lawyers don’t require you to pay for our services upfront. We work on a contingency fee basis. That means that you don’t owe any attorney fees unless your case results in compensation. You can afford a compassionate and experienced Santa Ana brain injury attorney at Gomez Trial Attorneys after an accident.

Call us now at 833-GET GOMEZ (833-438-4663) or write to us using our online contact page.

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550+ 5 Star Reviews

  • “John helped me find doctors, he referred me to his neurologist, his physical therapist, I mean, anything I needed he was right there, every step of the way. I couldn’t have asked for a better result from all of this, I would absolutely recommend Gomez Trial Attorneys.”

  • “During the time I was working with Gomez Trial Attorneys, they treated me very, very well. 100% of the time, they believed me, and they were very compassionate. They felt sorry for what happened and they understood the therapy process.”

  • “They held my hand the whole time and kept me in the loop every aspect of my case which was very refreshing to me. They helped me get my settlement offer as fast as possible and I was able to keep my farm”

  • “The Gomez experience was the best experience it could be for me really, only positive things to say. They really were there every step if the way. Thanks to Gomez Trial Attorneys my dad is able to support my family as a single father”

  • “He opened the door for me to join his firm to help other brain Injury survivors and I never met another firm who is like this who was so understanding and caring who took the extra step and walked the extra mile with their clients and this is the best”

  • “I am very satisfied with the outcome with Gomez and I would definitely recommend Gomez to anybody, we tell people all the time, Get Gomez! They are really thorough with everything and they make you feel real comfortable.”

  • “Just helped us through, guided us through, I kept notes all those years, we had questions all the time and they would always keep us informed of what was going on. They just unlayered it, layer by layer, I’ve never seen anything like them. Thank God for them.”

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