San Luis Obispo Brain Injury Lawyers
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San Luis Obispo Brain Injury Lawyers
At Gomez Trial Attorneys, we seek to act as more than just our clients’ attorneys—we serve as their legal partners throughout settlement or trial. Our San Luis Obispo brain injury attorneys have seen how brain injuries alter victims’ lives; we regularly assist individuals who will never navigate the world in the same way again. Even if you’ve been fortunate enough to evade the drastic consequences of some brain injuries, you could still be left with expenses you don’t deserve.
Our team of seasoned San Luis Obispo brain injury legal representatives has recovered over $500 million in damages for our clients. We push our attorneys to expand their legal knowledge with each case they accept. We also maintain a team of experts from outside industries to help during case evaluation and the legal process; jury and trial consultants, audiovisual and graphics professionals, and other parties are all available to assist with cases.
If you or a loved one have sustained a brain injury due to another’s negligence, you don’t need to suffer alone. At Gomez Trial Attorneys, we seek to assist clients in obtaining the compensation they deserve. We work individually with each of our clients to craft a personalized legal plan for their case. If you’d like to speak to one of our personal injury attorneys to learn more about your rights and your case, get in touch with us today.
One of the primary questions that brain injury victims and their loved ones have after an accident involves recoverable damages. Legal compensation for injuries is about much more than getting paid in court. The potential losses that stem from injuries like these are tremendous; some families completely lose the ability to earn income after brain injury.
Victims must recognize their legal right to compensation. If you or somebody close to you has suffered a brain injury due to another party’s negligence, you may be eligible to recover the costs of:
- Medical bills | Past, present, and future medical bills associated with the brain injury are all eligible for compensation. This includes medical bills for specialized services, emergency transport (if applicable), etc.
- Pain and suffering | Brain injuries can act as a catalyst for immense pain and suffering. If you’ve experienced a life-altering injury and find the emotional load too heavy to bear, the legal system may award compensation to account for pain and suffering
- Lost wages (or earning potential) | Some brain injuries may lead to an individual needing time off of work. If this is short-term, that individual may be able to recover lost wages. If the victim’s long-term earning potential is altered (say they work a physical job, have no formal education, and become paralyzed) they may also be eligible for compensation for lost earning potential
- Disability | Unfortunately, brain injuries can and do lead to disability. Personal injury cases that result in disability generally involve discussion of compensation for this fact
You might remember seeing graphics of the human brain segmented into different colors and lobes.
- There are four lobes on each side of the human brain
- Frontal
- Temporal
- Parietal
- Occipital
- Each lobe controls a different segment of our bodies
- The location of a brain injury can determine how the injury affects the victim
Our frontal lobes allow us to perform on a cognitive level. Any problem-solving or emotional expression you experience stems from here. It’s one reason why damage to the frontal lobe can change a victim’s life so drastically. Think of the frontal lobe like the control panel for our brains. Voluntary movements, sequencing, judgment, and a range of other processes rely on it.
Brain injuries that occur in the frontal lobe can have a serious impact on victims. Those who endure frontal lobe damage may find it difficult to make decisions, engage in sexual behavior, and communicate on a verbal level.
The temporal lobe plays two key roles: It processes sound and it houses our speech and language comprehension systems. Object categorization, facial recognition, and other similar tasks are all completed here. TBI victims who suffer damage to the temporal lobe may lose some understanding of spoken words or talk excessively. Others may begin to act more aggressively or erratically.
Parietal lobes integrate sensory information. Without parietal lobes, humans would have no functionality to actually perform the physical actions that we want to. Spatial orientation is controlled here—so are hand-eye coordination, visual attention capabilities, and the ability to name objects. Parietal lobe injury victims may struggle to understand how things feel, name objects, or determine left from right.
Scientists refer to the occipital lobe as the brain’s visual processing center. Its primary purpose—experts believe—is to control our vision. This has been known for quite some time. Some recent developments, however, have led the scientific community to a realization: our occipital lobes receive input from all over our brains and bodies. Experts don’t know exactly what this means, but they know it’s an indication that the occipital lobe does more than visual processing.
Regardless, most occipital lobe injuries have similar results. The most common amongst these include various vision defects. These could range from total blindness to distorted vision or difficulty identifying colors. In some cases, victims may suffer visual hallucinations.
While the cerebellum is not included in our official count of lobes of the brain, it plays a crucial role in how our brains function. It controls how we use our bodies and even how they grow. If you needed to reach in front of you to pick up a salt shaker off of a table, your cerebellum would allow you to reach your arm out and wrap your fingers around the shaker.
A damaged cerebellum could mean balance troubles and an overall decrease in motor movement coordination. In some, this manifests as poor distance judgment or spatial reasoning. Other cerebellum injury victims may experience staggering, tremors, and other similar inconsistent bodily movements.
Every year, nearly 100,000 brain injury victims sustain permanent disabilities as a result of their injuries. These debilitating consequences often come at the cost of others’ negligent or reckless behavior. Even those who retain functionality after their injury may experience a wide variety of taxing symptoms. The young and elderly face a particular risk of brain injury, but anybody can be harmed by it.
There’s no doubt that brain injury victims have legal grounds to protect themselves. With roughly 2.5 million individuals suffering a TBI each year, we feel it’s critical to inform the public of the best steps to take if they sustain such an injury. Victim empowerment is often one crucial key to physical healing and legal success.
The most important concept to keep in mind as you read about TBI symptoms and severity is this: TBI symptoms may fail to appear until days, weeks or longer after the initial injury. This is why medical professionals stress observation of injured individuals.
Traumatic brain injuries tend to fall into one of two (or three) categories—so-called mild TBIs and moderate to severe TBIs.
Understand this if a doctor attaches a label to your TBI: he or she is only diagnosing the acute presentation of your symptoms. Your outcome may not correspond to your diagnosis, however. Concussions and other “mild” TBIs can cause lasting, debilitating symptoms, while so-called moderate and severe traumatic brain injuries can sometimes heal with few long-term effects. Doctors cannot accurately predict the severity of your long-term prognosis, particularly right after you sustain your injury.
Regardless of how a doctor labels your TBI, you will want to closely monitor yourself for symptoms—and ask friends and family to help you do so in case your injury makes self-awareness difficult for you.
Among many other symptoms, you may experience:
- Physical symptoms | Loss of consciousness, disorientation or dizziness; altered sleep or language patterns; nausea, and headaches
- Sensory symptoms | Odd tastes, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light and sound
- Mental and cognitive symptoms | Mood swings, sudden anxiety and depression, confusion, excess agitation, and slurred speech
Remember: You are not in a position to diagnose or treat a brain injury. The most important step that a victim (or their loved ones) can take is to seek adequate medical attention as soon as possible. If you ever have questions or concerns about a symptom, contact a medical professional and follow up as needed.
Many parents are likely unaware that children face an elevated risk of brain injuries. Brain injuries are actually the number one cause of death and disability in American children. There are clear differences between pediatric and standard brain injuries.
Brain Injury Attorney, John Gomez
These differences, unfortunately, do not always work in children’s favor:
- Children differ from adults anatomically and physiologically
- Children tend to suffer very unique injury patterns consistent with their individual physical ability
- Evaluation and treatment of neurological symptoms in children is notoriously difficult
These and other factors may make it difficult to pinpoint instances of pediatric TBI. If you ever believe that your child (or any child) may have suffered a brain injury, seek immediate medical support.
This is especially true if you notice:
- Changes or depressed mood; excessive sadness
- Alterations in sleeping habits
- Persistent irritability or crying
- Unexplained alternation in eating or nursing habits
- Loss of interest in preferred toys and activities
If a child suffers a head injury in San Luis Obispo, monitor them for these and similar symptoms. Timely detection of pediatric brain injury could make the difference between life and death.
If you or a loved one have experienced a life-altering brain injury in San Luis Obispo due to somebody else’s negligence, contact our offices today or call (619) 237-3490. We offer potential clients a FREE consultation to determine whether our team is the best fit for your case. If you choose to work with us, you won’t pay us a cent in attorney’s fees unless your case wins or settles. We believe in empowering brain injury victims to achieve the legal success that they hope for.
Gomez Trial Attorneys
1334 Chorro Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (619)-237-3490
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550+ 5 Star Reviews
“John helped me find doctors, he referred me to his neurologist, his physical therapist, I mean, anything I needed he was right there, every step of the way. I couldn’t have asked for a better result from all of this, I would absolutely recommend Gomez Trial Attorneys.”
“During the time I was working with Gomez Trial Attorneys, they treated me very, very well. 100% of the time, they believed me, and they were very compassionate. They felt sorry for what happened and they understood the therapy process.”
“They held my hand the whole time and kept me in the loop every aspect of my case which was very refreshing to me. They helped me get my settlement offer as fast as possible and I was able to keep my farm”
“The Gomez experience was the best experience it could be for me really, only positive things to say. They really were there every step if the way. Thanks to Gomez Trial Attorneys my dad is able to support my family as a single father”
“He opened the door for me to join his firm to help other brain Injury survivors and I never met another firm who is like this who was so understanding and caring who took the extra step and walked the extra mile with their clients and this is the best”
“I am very satisfied with the outcome with Gomez and I would definitely recommend Gomez to anybody, we tell people all the time, Get Gomez! They are really thorough with everything and they make you feel real comfortable.”
“Just helped us through, guided us through, I kept notes all those years, we had questions all the time and they would always keep us informed of what was going on. They just unlayered it, layer by layer, I’ve never seen anything like them. Thank God for them.”